Signs and Symptoms of Skin Cancer – Melanoma

Melanoma or skin cancer

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The largest organ that our body has is our skin and yet people rarely take it seriously when it comes to treating it properly and taking care of it. Yes that is right, skin is an organ!! And one of the most serious diseases is skin cancer – melanoma. Unfortunately incidences of this disease are on the rise. Below are some of the signs and symptoms to watch out for.

Melanoma has a variety of forms and can appear anywhere on our body. If there is a change in normal looking skin it needs to be checked by a professional. Sometimes the change in the look will be a dark area or an abnormal mole. Some melanomas develop from an existing mole, freckle, birth mark or coloured spot. The change in one of these spots can happen over several months or years. Melanoma in men is most common on their back and in women on their legs.

Signs and symptoms of Melanoma:

  • New mark or spot on the skin
  • Mole or spot that has changed in size ,shape, colour or height ( raised above the skin)
  • Mole or spot that looks different than all the other spots on your skin
  • Mole or spot that is asymmetric ( one side of the spot doesn’t match the other )
  • Mole or spot that doesn’t have a defined border (the edges are irregular , ragged or blurred)
  • Mole or spot that is not the same colour all over or has changed colour. It may be shades of brown, black, pink, red, white or blue
  • Mole or spot that is larger than 6mm across
  • Sore that does not heal
  • Change in the sensation of a mole or spot including itching, tingling, tenderness or pain
  • Mole or spot that is crusted or bleeding
  • New moles that grow around an existing mole
  • Redness or a new swelling beyond the border of a spot or mole

Late signs and symptoms occur as the cancer grows larger or spreads to other parts of the body including other organs. The symptoms of advanced melanoma will depend on which part of the body is affected.

The symptoms are different for everybody and may include :

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in neck ,under the arm or groin
  • Breathlessness, cough or chest discomfort
  • Swelling and discomfort in the abdomen
  • Pain or discomfort in abdomen
  • Pain or discomfort in the bones
  • Headaches or nausea unexplained weight loss
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue

Melanoma is a very serious cancer. Always be very aware of the spots and moles on your body and if you have any concerns you should have them seen by a professional immediately. Just like any other type of cancer early detection can help to save your life!!

As always, we welcome your feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone, leave a comment right here on the site or click the contact tab at the bottom of the screen if you are reading this post on the website.  Join in the conversation on Facebook too!

Until next time,


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6 replies
  1. Faylinn
    Faylinn says:

    My mom just told me that she has melanoma and has been encouraging me to take better care of my skin. I generally try to take really good of my skin by using sunscreen and covering up my skin when I can. However, I have been checking my skin for new spots ever since my mom informed me of her skin cancer. I did find something that looks like a new spot that could be forming into a mole, but how big should it be before it becomes a concern?

  2. Jana
    Jana says:

    Hi Faylinn, any new unusual mark on your skin should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Don’t take any chances make an appointment today to have it looked at.

  3. Lillian Schaeffer
    Lillian Schaeffer says:

    This is some great information, and I appreciate your point that a change in size or shape can be a sign of melanoma. I have quite a few moles, and there’s one on my scalp that I think looks bigger than it used to be. I’ll definitely look into visiting a professional to have it checked so I know if it’s benign or melanoma. Thanks for the great post!

  4. Caden Dahl
    Caden Dahl says:

    Thanks for bringing to my attention that a new mark or spot on the skin can be a symptom of melanoma. I don’t have very many moles, and I noticed one on my arm that I don’t think was there before. Maybe it would be a good idea to visit a dermatologist and get that checked out just in case it’s melanoma.

  5. Ava Murphy
    Ava Murphy says:

    I never knew that it’s possible that you have melanoma if you have moles or spots that differ in color from your other moles. My mole on my upper right shoulder is very noticeable, and a lot of people commented that it looks very different from my other moles because it has a shade of deep black. Since there are other health problems that I’m experiencing, I will make sure to visit a professional to see if my condition is something that will require a melanoma surgery. Thanks!

  6. Jana
    Jana says:

    Hi Ava,
    I’m happy that our blog helped you recognize that you should have a professional look at the mole. It’s always best to check any spot or mole that is new or changes in shape or colour.
    – Jana

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