As the pandemic this year continues, so does our mask wearing in hopes to prevent the spread of it.  Unfortunately, wearing a mask or any fitted clothing, can cause unsightly blemishes.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is a condition many of us suffer from. It is a condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. Sebum is an oily substance created in our sebaceous glands that are connected to the pores of our skin. The pores and glands are connected to an opening known as a follicle which is where the hair grows out of the skin’s surface.  When sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells combine, they form a plug in the follicle creating an inflamed bump or a covered pore. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and treat acne once we know which form we are dealing with.

There are different types of basic acne lesions, or comedones, as they are also known


Plugs pores on the skin’s surface that appear to have a black “cap” due to oxygenation.


Plugged pores that are slightly raised and look white.


Commonly referred to as a pimple, a raised bump with pus at the tip.


Small, inflamed pink bump which normally will turn into a pustule.


Painful, large, solid lumps beneath the skin’s surface.

Cystic Lesions

Extremely painful lumps beneath the skin’s surface that are pus filled.

Acne affects millions of people for various reasons. It appears mostly on the face, back, chest and shoulders. These are areas of oil gland density. There are certain things that can trigger an acne episode.

1. Hormonal changes

Androgens are hormones that multiply during puberty causing the sebaceous glands to become overstimulated, making them more visible. Women often experience an increase in acne at various stages of their monthly cycles and at different life stages including peri menopause and menopause.

2. Diet

There are certain foods that are rich in carbohydrates that have been suggested to worsen acne. There are studies being performed to see if lessening the consumption of these foods makes a difference in acne severity.

3. Stress

Stress causes a multitude of issues for us; increased acne maybe one of them.

4. Medication

Certain medications may cause or increase acne, such as steroids.

5. Hygiene

Scrubbing your face roughly or using improper cleansers, especially ones with strong ingredients or chemicals, can worsen acne. Using proper face products will alleviate some hygienic issues.

6. Friction

Here’s where wearing a mask comes in! Continuous friction or pressure on your skin can exacerbate your acne condition. Masks, cellphones, helmets and backpacks are some culprits.

As mentioned, proper facial and body products, including cosmetics, can aid in alleviating acne. Try to avoid products that are oil-based and use ones that contain water as an ingredient. If you feel this is not helping, contact a dermatologist. There are many medications, both topical and oral, that may benefit in treating your skin. A dermatologist may also suggest topical therapies, such as chemical peels or light therapy, in combination with medications or on their own.

Taking care of yourself and your skin can help in healing your acne, or help to prevent it altogether. Make sure to wash your face and body with appropriate products, avoid touching your face with your hands and phones and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime. Acne is a common skin disorder that can be managed and healed with the proper care. Don’t give up. There’s always help.

A facial is another way to help refresh the skin. Contact us today to book yours now!


Wrinkles are the road map of your life. Not sure about you, but I would like a few less streets, thank you! Even though wrinkles can occur from joyful experiences, through smiling and laughing, they certainly aren’t the most pleasant to have.

The main causes of wrinkles, however, are smoking, sun damage, heredity and aging itself. These factors have our wrinkles fall into two different types called Dynamic and Static. Static wrinkles are directly linked to loss of elasticity and collagen through the aging process, while Dynamic wrinkles are created by repetitive facial movements like squinting and puckering your lips around a cigarette or straw.

Let’s take a look at the various types of fine lines and wrinkles and what preventative measures to take in preventing them.

Forehead Wrinkles

Wrinkles on your forehead run horizontally across the top of your T-Zone. These wrinkles are caused primarily when we raise our eyebrows. Some studies suggest that deep forehead creases are an indicator for cardiovascular disease.

Frown Lines

Frown lines, also known as the ” 11’s”, are the vertical lines that appear between your eyes. These wrinkles usually appear due to squinting, stress, aging and heredity.

Crow’s Feet

Although not the most flattering name, these wrinkles are in fact due to lots of laughing and smiling! Crow’s feet are the deep wrinkles that form at the outer corners of your eyes. They also appear from squinting and aging.


As the name suggests, these wrinkles (Nasolabial folds) are caused by our repetitive facial expressions; how we move our face when happy, sad and everything in between. These lines of character are all over our face, but primarily extend from the edge of our nose to the outer corners of our mouth.


Marionette, or accordion lines, run from the corners of our mouth vertically down our chin. As we age, we lose elasticity causing our cheeks to droop and these jowl wrinkles to form.

Lip Wrinkles

These wrinkles have various names such as smokers’ lines, barcode lines or lipstick lines. Formerly, they are called perioral lines. These wrinkles develop from pouting, puckering, smoking, genetics and sun exposure.

Preventative Measures


Unless you’re planning on living your life as a hermit, you’ll need to protect your skin from the environment. Sunscreen, hats and sunglasses are some of the top ways to prevent those UV rays from creating unwanted wrinkles and further damage.


There are a multitude of products on the market that can prevent and/or treat wrinkles. How do you know which one works best for you? Well, you need to know your skin type and what you need the product to do for you. If your skin feels dry, choose a cream or serum containing hyaluronic acid to boost moisture and elasticity. Shea butter or vitamin C are good choices to soften and smooth existing lines, while repairing your skin from oxidative stress caused by air pollution. 

Healthy Choices

Okay, this one’s a no-brainer! The best wrinkle fighting ways of life are the healthy choices we make. Eating a healthy diet, consuming less sugar, exercising, keeping hydrated and don’t/quit smoking are all things that keep us looking and feeling our best. Let’s face it though, you need to be a little bit flexible. Rest and reducing our stress level can certainly lessen the visibility of those pesky lines. And a glass of wine or a few nachos can certainly help with that!

Physical Adjustments

Although this may be difficult to do, try to retrain yourself to refrain from your wrinkle causing habits. Relaxing your forehead, not rubbing your eyes, not squinting and quit pouting are all movements to be conscious of. The more aware we become of our wrinkle making motions, the more we can adjust to having smoother skin.

Acids, peels, injectables and facial surgeries are all corrective measures for wrinkles, and other facial needs or wants, offered today. If you are considering having a procedure performed, it should be discussed with an experienced doctor as each has its own risks and benefits. Wrinkle treatments are plentiful, but prevention is obviously the optimal choice when possible.

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We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. And as always, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,

A Perfect Pinky Team


Our largest organ is our skin. We need to take care of it all year round. Our skin is our protective barrier. It protects us from dehydration, wind and basic elements of nature. In turn, we need to nurture and protect it to the best of our ability. One of the best ways to protect our face is by having a monthly facial. A facial is a multi-step treatment that allows us to cleanse, exfoliate and nourish our face while taking heed to make sure is in tip-top shape from exposure to our daily environment.


Having a facial is the top way to unclog pores built up with daily grime. They remove impurities that damage our skin which in turn should minimize breakouts. Facials have the ability to slow down the aging process by sloughing off or exfoliating dead skin cells. This aids the skin in creating a soft, supple surface, allowing proper products to readily absorb and penetrate more deeply. It also increases circulation and provides the skin with nutrients and water.

Problems and Prevention

Dry, oily, mature or combination skin types all need help in eliminating or controlling their distinct issues. Maintaining your skin is just like maintaining your car. If you take care of it, it takes care of you. A monthly facial can help control a plethora of troubles. Breakouts, wrinkles, enlarged pores, dehydration, under-eye puffiness and darkness cannot all be corrected with a little love and dedication.


Stress in your life takes its toll on your skin. It can create various troubles with your skin including sallowness, dehydration and breakouts. Facials have many psychological benefits. There are pressure points on your face connected to different systems throughout your body that are massage during the entire facial. Allowing you and your skin a little relaxation and pampering can go a long way to help heal you both!

Skin Cancer

Although we are aware that skin cancer is an important Health concern, sometimes the changes in our skin can be so subtle that we don’t always notice them. And esthetician working on your skin on a monthly basis, would likely be able to bring your attention to any new abnormality that may need medical attention such as the beginnings of a mole or other lesions or growths. Always wear a moisturizer that contains an SPF of at least 30 to make sure you are doing your part and preventative measures.

Facial Treatments

Facial treatments, ideally, should be performed on a monthly basis. If that isn’t possible, once a season is also beneficial. Your esthetician can provide you with a daily maintenance regime and any and all products suitable for your particular skin type. Keep your skin healthy, happy and protected!

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We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. And as always, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Till next time,


Skin irritations are a bummer anytime, but especially in the warm summer months. When mysterious lumps, bumps, or weird rashes appear when you’re already hot and bothered, that’s definitely no fun! Most itching in summer is obvious, usually from a bug bite or some kind of a rash created from an allergic reaction. There are several ways to help heal and prevent these ailments from ruining your fun in the sun. Here’s a look at how to prevent and treat some of these summer skin irritations.

1. Sunburn

With what we know about the sun and its powerful rays, this shouldn’t even happen, but it does. Sunscreen of at least 30 should always be applied at least 20 to 30 minutes before heading outside and should be reapplied while in the outdoors. However, if you do find your skin turning pink, maybe painful to touch, there are some things you can do. Firstly, get out and stay out of the sun. Applying a cooling aloe-vera gel (alcohol-free) to the affected area or a moisturizer that’s been in the fridge, and rub it in to help soothe and heal. A cold compress can also help relieve the pain prior to applying gel or cream. Taking ibuprofen or naproxen will help the pain and swelling subside.

2. Acne

Breaking out is no fun, especially in summer. Sweat mixing with bacteria and oils can clog your skin, causing breakouts all over your body. Use non-comedogenic products on your face, neck, chest and back. This will help to limit acne. Be sure to blot your skin with a clean towel. Wiping sweat can irritate the skin and cause trouble. The best way to deal with your skin if you do break out is to carry on with your skincare regime. Cleanser, toner and a light moisturizer on your face everyday will help minimize breakouts. Don’t pick or scratch your break out, that will increase your risk of scarring. Be patient and it will clear up with your diligence and care.

3. Athletes Foot

This fungus is common in summer as it is contagious and can be picked up around swimming pools or any warm, wet, dark environment. To avoid the spread of it, or acquiring it all together, make sure to dry feet thoroughly, wear clean, dry socks and always have something on your feet that’s breathable. However, if you discover itching, or peeling between your toes or on the soles of your feet, there are remedies to help you. Antifungal creams and powders are available for application. Wash and dry feet thoroughly before applying. If your feet begin to crack or blister, it would be best to head to the doctor to get an antibiotic cream to help you heal.

4. Rashes

Rashes are a bummer to get in summer. Itchy, sweaty and terribly uncomfortable! There are several types of rashes you can acquire in the summer months, from heat rash to poison ivy. The best defense is to wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes and to keep your skin cool using fans, having cool showers and being in air conditioning whenever possible. Plant rashes, like poison ivy or oak, can be avoided if you can identify them and steer clear of them when in parks or wooded areas. If any rash seems to be hanging around for too long, seeing your doctor for proper treatment is always recommended.

5. Bug Bites

What seems like the itchiest of skin troubles! Bug bites suck, especially when it’s hot out. Mosquitoes, black flies, wasp bites or ticks, they all have their unique brand of stopping you in your tracks. To prevent them from attacking you, spray yourself with a good bug repellent and try to wear loose, cotton, long-sleeve shirts and pants whenever possible. If you are attacked by any of these culprits, anti-itch creams or lotions may be applied. In extreme cases of reaction, antibiotics might be the best medicine.

Remember that all of these ailments can be prevented with a few simple precautions. Let’s enjoy all the positives that summer brings and be careful out there!

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We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. And as always, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers! 

Till next time, 
