Tag Archive for: spa aurora

Skin irritations are a bummer anytime, but especially in the warm summer months. When mysterious lumps, bumps, or weird rashes appear when you’re already hot and bothered, that’s definitely no fun! Most itching in summer is obvious, usually from a bug bite or some kind of a rash created from an allergic reaction. There are several ways to help heal and prevent these ailments from ruining your fun in the sun. Here’s a look at how to prevent and treat some of these summer skin irritations.

1. Sunburn

With what we know about the sun and its powerful rays, this shouldn’t even happen, but it does. Sunscreen of at least 30 should always be applied at least 20 to 30 minutes before heading outside and should be reapplied while in the outdoors. However, if you do find your skin turning pink, maybe painful to touch, there are some things you can do. Firstly, get out and stay out of the sun. Applying a cooling aloe-vera gel (alcohol-free) to the affected area or a moisturizer that’s been in the fridge, and rub it in to help soothe and heal. A cold compress can also help relieve the pain prior to applying gel or cream. Taking ibuprofen or naproxen will help the pain and swelling subside.

2. Acne

Breaking out is no fun, especially in summer. Sweat mixing with bacteria and oils can clog your skin, causing breakouts all over your body. Use non-comedogenic products on your face, neck, chest and back. This will help to limit acne. Be sure to blot your skin with a clean towel. Wiping sweat can irritate the skin and cause trouble. The best way to deal with your skin if you do break out is to carry on with your skincare regime. Cleanser, toner and a light moisturizer on your face everyday will help minimize breakouts. Don’t pick or scratch your break out, that will increase your risk of scarring. Be patient and it will clear up with your diligence and care.

3. Athletes Foot

This fungus is common in summer as it is contagious and can be picked up around swimming pools or any warm, wet, dark environment. To avoid the spread of it, or acquiring it all together, make sure to dry feet thoroughly, wear clean, dry socks and always have something on your feet that’s breathable. However, if you discover itching, or peeling between your toes or on the soles of your feet, there are remedies to help you. Antifungal creams and powders are available for application. Wash and dry feet thoroughly before applying. If your feet begin to crack or blister, it would be best to head to the doctor to get an antibiotic cream to help you heal.

4. Rashes

Rashes are a bummer to get in summer. Itchy, sweaty and terribly uncomfortable! There are several types of rashes you can acquire in the summer months, from heat rash to poison ivy. The best defense is to wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes and to keep your skin cool using fans, having cool showers and being in air conditioning whenever possible. Plant rashes, like poison ivy or oak, can be avoided if you can identify them and steer clear of them when in parks or wooded areas. If any rash seems to be hanging around for too long, seeing your doctor for proper treatment is always recommended.

5. Bug Bites

What seems like the itchiest of skin troubles! Bug bites suck, especially when it’s hot out. Mosquitoes, black flies, wasp bites or ticks, they all have their unique brand of stopping you in your tracks. To prevent them from attacking you, spray yourself with a good bug repellent and try to wear loose, cotton, long-sleeve shirts and pants whenever possible. If you are attacked by any of these culprits, anti-itch creams or lotions may be applied. In extreme cases of reaction, antibiotics might be the best medicine.

Remember that all of these ailments can be prevented with a few simple precautions. Let’s enjoy all the positives that summer brings and be careful out there!

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a perfect pinky reduce wrinkles and fine lines

The aging process can sometimes seem unfair. We can develop new troubles with our skin that we didn’t have in our younger years. But sometimes we can prevent or eliminate some issues altogether. One such issue is fine lines and wrinkles. Although it’s been said that we need to just accept our aging skin as it is, since wrinkles are said to be inevitable – that’s simply not true. Yes our metabolism slows as we age, and in turn the formation of collagen and elastin that we need for a plump complexion, slowly lessens. Let’s take a look at these 4 fool-proof ways we can help revive our glow.

1. Limit Your Sugar Intake

Processed sugar can increase collagen breakdown. It creates dehydration and therefore sucks moisture out of the skin. And really, is just plain bad for you. Eating fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamin C especially, is vital to help build collagen in the skin and restore your glowing complexion.

2. Always Use Sunscreen

Sun protection cannot be stressed enough in the prevention of wrinkles and other skin ailments. It’s essential to wear an SPF of 30 or higher with broad-spectrum protection. SPF prevents wrinkles people! But you must use it everyday even when it’s cloudy.

3. Quit Smoking

Obviously smoking is bad for your health for a multitude of reasons, in addition to aging your skin prematurely. Smoking affects the blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to your skin and entire body. Depriving the skin of these vital nutrients, such as Vitamin C, creates a pale, uneven skin tone and wrinkles. There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco that deplete your skin’s collagen and elastin, therefore creating wrinkly, sagging faces. So the sooner you quit, the better – or better yet, don’t start at all!

4. Consume Foods Rich in Antioxidants

Your skin is your largest organ and it suffers the most oxidative stress throughout your daily routine. Antioxidants help fight that stress and damage. The best way to boost your antioxidants is to consume foods rich in them. Kale, blueberries or kidney beans are examples of great foods that help with this. Get the wrinkle free skin you want from the inside out.

There are so many creams and procedures that can help prevent and eliminate aging skin. But realistically, if you just start practicing the recommendations in this short list, you will notice a significant difference. Some say the best overall help to your skin is to eat properly, exercise and stay hydrated. Think about it… while you’re putting on your sunscreen. 😉

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers! 

Till next time, 


collagen a perfect pinky youthful glow aurora spa

As we age, some things happen to us that are, unfortunately, unavoidable.  Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and dullness are all associated with growing older. Collagen production naturally slows down as we age. Collagen is the naturally occurring support structure of the skin that keeps it smooth, plump and wrinkle-free. Therefore, when collagen fibers break down as we grow older it can’t be repaired in the same way as before. But there is a bright side! It is possible to rebuild collagen and regain some of our youthful glow. Let’s explore the options.


There are an array of foods that boost our collagen production. Berries, including blueberries and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals while boosting collagen. Fish, especially tuna and salmon, are rich in omega-3 which plumps up the cells and reduces inflammation while providing amino acids to firm the skin. And of course vegetables provide different things to help give collagen a boost. Green veggies have antioxidants, red veggies are full of lycopene and orange veggies are loaded with vitamin C, all of which aid in the restoration of collagen.

Reducing Sugar Intake and Refraining From Smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for you, but did you know it’s so dehydrating that it restricts blood flow and actually kills the collagen in your skin? And sugar has that very same effect. Processed sugar can permanently attach to collagen fibers, creating rigid, dull, dry and aged looking skin. Yet another reason to quit smoking and to limit sugar intake.

Topical Products and Massage

Choosing a product containing collagen can be tricky. The collagen amino acids need to be small enough to get to the deeper layers of your skin to deliver the plumping effect desired. There are a multitude of creams and masks on the market so it can seem confusing. The best way to solve the dilemma of what to choose is to talk to a skincare professional. They can guide you with suggestions on what type of facial to have, and what masks and creams would work best for you. And they can administer the proper facial massage within the chosen facial to stimulate collagen production and strengthen muscle memory.


There’s no question; the more hydrated your skin is, the better environment it gives for collagen and elastin to produce. Keep your skin hydrated by eating hydrating foods like vegetables and fruits, apply hydrating skincare products and, of course, drink plenty of water.

The good news is that it is possible to rebuild collagen in the face and regain your youthful glow. With the right products, treatments and nutrients, your skin can indeed look younger for longer.

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. And don’t forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,


good habits a perfect pinky aurora spa

Another year is upon us. And for some, we are facing the “new year, new you” mentality with trepidation. Getting back into a routine after the crazy schedule of the holiday season can definitely be daunting. We, as humans, are naturally creatures of habit. If we can form some good ones then we can hopefully maintain them for the duration of our life. Let’s form some good habits together by learning what steps we need to take to achieve our best self!


Lack of exercise can contribute to many diseases and issues. So it’s extremely important to get active everyday. Not only does regular exercise improve brain function and help our mood, it allows us to stave off many chronic illnesses. Something as simple as a 30-minute brisk walk can hugely reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and many forms of cancer. Partnered with a healthy diet, exercise can also help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity, which is dramatically affecting our world today. So get moving!

Healthy Diet

We all know that a balanced diet includes a good amount of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and protein like lean meats and nuts. But it’s hard to be good all the time, especially over the holidays. Now that the holidays have wrapped up for another year, it’s time to create a good diet for ourselves, limiting refined sugars and saturated fats. Minimizing these types of foods is necessary to maintain optimal health and keep excess calories at bay.


Your body needs rest just as much as it needs good food and exercise. A solid 7 to 9 hours per night should keep you mentally alert and ready to exercise. Rest can also be achieved through other methods throughout the day. Take a few minutes and do some deep breathing, meditate, or even take a hot bath with an essential oil like lavender to promote relaxation. Poor sleep is linked to weight gain, hormone fluctuation, poor mood, and chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. So unplug those devices, turn off the TV and head to bed.


Put down that soda, and grab a bottle of water instead. Water contributes to the proper function of our organs and tissues and maintenance of bodily functions. Our muscles receive essential nutrients from water, helping us to move efficiently. Water aids in digestion, especially helping those suffering from constipation, IBS, or other abdominal issues. Water flushes toxins from our body, and is the best defense against wrinkles and the aging process of our skin. Seriously, it’s literally a life-saver!


Honestly, enjoy your life! Surround yourself with positivity. We all need and enjoy the support of friends and family. Contentment gives you a good night sleep, which in turn gives you a positive outlook on your day and attracts people to you. Socialization helps with depression, anxiety and stress. For some, it can be difficult to find joy, but you must remember that your mind and emotional state are so tremendously important in helping you achieve your goals and feeling good.

Hopefully these steps will guide you to be your best you. In addition to these tips, an annual physical with your doctor is always a good idea to make sure you are at your most optimal performance. Remember to spend time with those you love, those who make you laugh, and those who support you and your life! Happiest of New Year’s to you!

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. And don’t forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,
