Entries by Jana


6 Foods That Resemble the Body Parts They’re Good For  

Check out these 6 foods that remarkably look like different parts of the human body – giving us clues regarding their health benefits.   Interestingly, many of the healthy foods we eat physically resemble different parts of our bodies. And even though they are beneficial to our overall health, they do seem to directly benefit the body parts they mirror. Cut up carrots, for instance, look like our […]

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Keep That Youthful Glow

As we age, some things happen to us that are, unfortunately, unavoidable.  Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and dullness are all associated with growing older. Collagen production naturally slows down as we age. Collagen is the naturally occurring support structure of the skin that keeps it smooth, plump and wrinkle-free. Therefore, when collagen fibers break […]

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New Year, New Habits

Another year is upon us. And for some, we are facing the “new year, new you” mentality with trepidation. Getting back into a routine after the crazy schedule of the holiday season can definitely be daunting. We, as humans, are naturally creatures of habit. If we can form some good ones then we can hopefully […]