Entries by Rosewood Admin

How to Properly Protect Our Skin

Our largest organ is our skin. We need to take care of it all year round. Our skin is our protective barrier. It protects us from dehydration, wind and basic elements of nature. In turn, we need to nurture and protect it to the best of our ability. One of the best ways to protect […]

Best Detoxifying Foods

In the beginning of every year, many of us make resolutions such as wanting to work out more, not drinking alcohol as often, boosting our water intake, etc. Basically, detoxifying our bodies. Some of the industry’s detoxifying ideas may have validity. However, the best way to detoxify is to stop consuming toxins in the first […]

Maintaining your Weight During Menopause

Maintaining your usual weight during menopause can be difficult. Hormonal changes contribute to abdominal weight gain, and aging in itself can cause those pounds to creep up. As we age, muscle mass typically diminishes, while our fat stores increase which in turn, prompts our metabolism to become sluggish. Some studies even suggest that genetics can […]


The Meaning of Your Feet

Do the shape and size of your feet mean something? Does the length of your toes suggest a certain personality trait? Insight into our personality is always intriguing. Reading our horoscopes, getting our palms read or even having our handwriting analyzed to detect why we are the way we are piques your interest. Foot types […]