As the pandemic this year continues, so does our mask wearing in hopes to prevent the spread of it.  Unfortunately, wearing a mask or any fitted clothing, can cause unsightly blemishes.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is a condition many of us suffer from. It is a condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. Sebum is an oily substance created in our sebaceous glands that are connected to the pores of our skin. The pores and glands are connected to an opening known as a follicle which is where the hair grows out of the skin’s surface.  When sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells combine, they form a plug in the follicle creating an inflamed bump or a covered pore. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and treat acne once we know which form we are dealing with.

There are different types of basic acne lesions, or comedones, as they are also known


Plugs pores on the skin’s surface that appear to have a black “cap” due to oxygenation.


Plugged pores that are slightly raised and look white.


Commonly referred to as a pimple, a raised bump with pus at the tip.


Small, inflamed pink bump which normally will turn into a pustule.


Painful, large, solid lumps beneath the skin’s surface.

Cystic Lesions

Extremely painful lumps beneath the skin’s surface that are pus filled.

Acne affects millions of people for various reasons. It appears mostly on the face, back, chest and shoulders. These are areas of oil gland density. There are certain things that can trigger an acne episode.

1. Hormonal changes

Androgens are hormones that multiply during puberty causing the sebaceous glands to become overstimulated, making them more visible. Women often experience an increase in acne at various stages of their monthly cycles and at different life stages including peri menopause and menopause.

2. Diet

There are certain foods that are rich in carbohydrates that have been suggested to worsen acne. There are studies being performed to see if lessening the consumption of these foods makes a difference in acne severity.

3. Stress

Stress causes a multitude of issues for us; increased acne maybe one of them.

4. Medication

Certain medications may cause or increase acne, such as steroids.

5. Hygiene

Scrubbing your face roughly or using improper cleansers, especially ones with strong ingredients or chemicals, can worsen acne. Using proper face products will alleviate some hygienic issues.

6. Friction

Here’s where wearing a mask comes in! Continuous friction or pressure on your skin can exacerbate your acne condition. Masks, cellphones, helmets and backpacks are some culprits.

As mentioned, proper facial and body products, including cosmetics, can aid in alleviating acne. Try to avoid products that are oil-based and use ones that contain water as an ingredient. If you feel this is not helping, contact a dermatologist. There are many medications, both topical and oral, that may benefit in treating your skin. A dermatologist may also suggest topical therapies, such as chemical peels or light therapy, in combination with medications or on their own.

Taking care of yourself and your skin can help in healing your acne, or help to prevent it altogether. Make sure to wash your face and body with appropriate products, avoid touching your face with your hands and phones and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime. Acne is a common skin disorder that can be managed and healed with the proper care. Don’t give up. There’s always help.

A facial is another way to help refresh the skin. Contact us today to book yours now!

negative effects of sugar on our skin

Not only does sugar affect our waistlines but it can also have a negative impact on our skin.  Refined sugar is the type of sugar we are consuming when eating products like donuts or candy, sodas, or many pre-packaged food.  These types of foods can cause many issues in our bodies such as digestive problems, joint pain and problem skin.  If you want youthful, glowing and clear skin, discover the negative effects of sugar on our skin.


Refined sugar wreaks havoc throughout our body.  Acidic foods cause inflammation in our body and since sugar is highly acidic, it is one of the worst to consume.  When you eat sugar, your blood sugar level fluctuates quite drastically causing inflammation.  This inflammation stimulates the activity of our oil glands which leads to acneic breakouts.

If you need something sweet, it is best to try a complex carbohydrate like fruits and vegetables.  They break down slower in the body thus avoiding the surge and plunge of blood sugar levels.


Sugar is a dehydrating product that causes the skin to look dull and sallow.  It sucks the water from your cells which leads to the appearance of under eye circles and mild swelling of the skin.  Eliminating sugar and increasing your water intake is best for alleviating these problems.


Dehydration causes wrinkles as well.  Sugar attacks collagen and elastin, which are the duo that naturally keep our skin wrinkle free.  This attack is a process known as glycation.  Glycation not only causes wrinkles to appear but can also cause a condition known as hirsutism, which is excessive hair growth throughout the body. It can also cause dark spots or patches on the neck.

Using creams and cleansers as a cure for any of these issues will not work.  You need to take care of your body from the inside out first and foremost.  A proper and balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercise, and staying properly hydrated every day are the best things we can do to allow us to have beautiful skin and optimum health.

After you’ve been working on your self-care, why not try one of our amazing facials to really make your skin glow?

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone.  Don`t forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,


beauty benefits of salicylic acid

Suffer from acne? Have difficulty balancing your oily skin? Salicylic acid may help you keep your skin under control.  Salicylic acid is an ingredient used in many skin care products.  Exfoliators, facial masks and creams quite often contain this acid.  It is derived from the bark of the willow tree, and with some chemical magic, the extract is created with the use of antioxidant chemicals that are safe for our skin, provided that they are used correctly.

Did you know that salicylic acid is the main ingredient in aspirin?  It acts as a pain reliever topically and orally!  There are so many ways to use this amazingly beneficial product.  The following are a few of the ways to capture the beauty benefits of salicylic acid.

Beauty Benefits of Salicylic Acid


As mentioned before, aspirin contains salicylic acid.  Therefore it makes sense that it can reduce discomfort.  The acid can lessen the swelling and pain caused by rashes and pimples.


The acid aids in clearing and de-clogging your pores.  It helps to heal your pimples quickly by increasing blood circulation in the area.  Salicylic acid is in fact gentler on the skin for this purpose, rather than using some other acne treatment that can be harsh on the skin.

Reduces Oily Skin

Salicylic acid breaks down the oil in the pores, therefore tightening the skin and reducing pore size.  This in turn gives the skin a smoother appearance.


The acid acts as an exfoliator and aids in the removal of dry cells to make way for new cells to form.  It removes dirt and grime (i.e. blackheads) from the skin, promoting a clear, glowing surface.  To create a blackhead removal treatment, mash up a few aspirin tablets and mix with warm water.  Massage the paste onto your blackheads and remove after letting it sit after 7 minutes.  You may have to scrape it off with a spoon, so be careful!

Anti- Dandruff

There are many anti-dandruff shampoos that contain salicylic acid due to its anti-fungal, bacteria fighting ability.  It is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis and other various scalp conditions.

Precautions Towards Salicylic Acid

Although there are a multitude of beauty benefits of salicylic acid, there are some precautions to take with its use.  If used incorrectly, your skin may become unnecessarily dry.  Regular or over use of this acid may discolour or darken your skin, so be sure to use sunscreen.  And above all, if you have any questions or concerns about using salicylic acid, it is always best to consult your doctor.

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone, leave a comment right here on the site or click the contact tab at the bottom of the screen if you are reading this post on the website.  Join in the conversation on Facebook too!

Til next time,


Young woman squeezing an acne pimple in mirror

The causes of acne can be not only external but internal as well. There are many reasons why we may suffer from minor to major breakouts.  Your skin not only reflects what you are applying to your body, but what you are putting into it.  Many believe the location of your acne is an indication of what may be happening inside you.  Whether you’re under too much stress, not eating the right foods, or eating too much of a specific food, let’s take a look at the areas of the face and what your breakout might be saying about you! Read more