As the pandemic this year continues, so does our mask wearing in hopes to prevent the spread of it.  Unfortunately, wearing a mask or any fitted clothing, can cause unsightly blemishes.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is a condition many of us suffer from. It is a condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. Sebum is an oily substance created in our sebaceous glands that are connected to the pores of our skin. The pores and glands are connected to an opening known as a follicle which is where the hair grows out of the skin’s surface.  When sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells combine, they form a plug in the follicle creating an inflamed bump or a covered pore. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and treat acne once we know which form we are dealing with.

There are different types of basic acne lesions, or comedones, as they are also known


Plugs pores on the skin’s surface that appear to have a black “cap” due to oxygenation.


Plugged pores that are slightly raised and look white.


Commonly referred to as a pimple, a raised bump with pus at the tip.


Small, inflamed pink bump which normally will turn into a pustule.


Painful, large, solid lumps beneath the skin’s surface.

Cystic Lesions

Extremely painful lumps beneath the skin’s surface that are pus filled.

Acne affects millions of people for various reasons. It appears mostly on the face, back, chest and shoulders. These are areas of oil gland density. There are certain things that can trigger an acne episode.

1. Hormonal changes

Androgens are hormones that multiply during puberty causing the sebaceous glands to become overstimulated, making them more visible. Women often experience an increase in acne at various stages of their monthly cycles and at different life stages including peri menopause and menopause.

2. Diet

There are certain foods that are rich in carbohydrates that have been suggested to worsen acne. There are studies being performed to see if lessening the consumption of these foods makes a difference in acne severity.

3. Stress

Stress causes a multitude of issues for us; increased acne maybe one of them.

4. Medication

Certain medications may cause or increase acne, such as steroids.

5. Hygiene

Scrubbing your face roughly or using improper cleansers, especially ones with strong ingredients or chemicals, can worsen acne. Using proper face products will alleviate some hygienic issues.

6. Friction

Here’s where wearing a mask comes in! Continuous friction or pressure on your skin can exacerbate your acne condition. Masks, cellphones, helmets and backpacks are some culprits.

As mentioned, proper facial and body products, including cosmetics, can aid in alleviating acne. Try to avoid products that are oil-based and use ones that contain water as an ingredient. If you feel this is not helping, contact a dermatologist. There are many medications, both topical and oral, that may benefit in treating your skin. A dermatologist may also suggest topical therapies, such as chemical peels or light therapy, in combination with medications or on their own.

Taking care of yourself and your skin can help in healing your acne, or help to prevent it altogether. Make sure to wash your face and body with appropriate products, avoid touching your face with your hands and phones and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime. Acne is a common skin disorder that can be managed and healed with the proper care. Don’t give up. There’s always help.

A facial is another way to help refresh the skin. Contact us today to book yours now!

collagen a perfect pinky youthful glow aurora spa

As we age, some things happen to us that are, unfortunately, unavoidable.  Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and dullness are all associated with growing older. Collagen production naturally slows down as we age. Collagen is the naturally occurring support structure of the skin that keeps it smooth, plump and wrinkle-free. Therefore, when collagen fibers break down as we grow older it can’t be repaired in the same way as before. But there is a bright side! It is possible to rebuild collagen and regain some of our youthful glow. Let’s explore the options.


There are an array of foods that boost our collagen production. Berries, including blueberries and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals while boosting collagen. Fish, especially tuna and salmon, are rich in omega-3 which plumps up the cells and reduces inflammation while providing amino acids to firm the skin. And of course vegetables provide different things to help give collagen a boost. Green veggies have antioxidants, red veggies are full of lycopene and orange veggies are loaded with vitamin C, all of which aid in the restoration of collagen.

Reducing Sugar Intake and Refraining From Smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for you, but did you know it’s so dehydrating that it restricts blood flow and actually kills the collagen in your skin? And sugar has that very same effect. Processed sugar can permanently attach to collagen fibers, creating rigid, dull, dry and aged looking skin. Yet another reason to quit smoking and to limit sugar intake.

Topical Products and Massage

Choosing a product containing collagen can be tricky. The collagen amino acids need to be small enough to get to the deeper layers of your skin to deliver the plumping effect desired. There are a multitude of creams and masks on the market so it can seem confusing. The best way to solve the dilemma of what to choose is to talk to a skincare professional. They can guide you with suggestions on what type of facial to have, and what masks and creams would work best for you. And they can administer the proper facial massage within the chosen facial to stimulate collagen production and strengthen muscle memory.


There’s no question; the more hydrated your skin is, the better environment it gives for collagen and elastin to produce. Keep your skin hydrated by eating hydrating foods like vegetables and fruits, apply hydrating skincare products and, of course, drink plenty of water.

The good news is that it is possible to rebuild collagen in the face and regain your youthful glow. With the right products, treatments and nutrients, your skin can indeed look younger for longer.

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone. And don’t forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,


combatting under eye puffiness - facials mani pedi aurora a perfect pinky salon and spa

Under eye puffiness plagues us all at one time or another.  Did you know that the skin directly under our eyes is ten times thinner than the skin on the rest of our face?  Therefore, if it appears swollen and puffy, it may be trying to tell us something.  Water retention due to diet, allergies and even hereditary reasons may all play their role in the battle of puffy peepers!  While medical intervention may be involved in alleviating the problem if it’s due to allergens or genetics, we can help ourselves in reducing under eye puffiness by various other methods.

Here are a few ideas for combatting under eye puffiness:

Cold Compress

There are quite a wide range of materials that provide puffy eye relief.  Cucumber slices or raw potato slices, for instance, contain anti-oxidants and flavonoids. These aid in reducing swelling and irritation.

What to do: Apply cold to eyes for 30 minutes to feel the benefits.  Caffeinated tea, such as green or black, contain tannins which aid in restricting blood vessels surrounding produces and stimulate blood circulation.  Non-caffeinated teas contain anti-inflammatory properties.  Chamomile tea in particular, is known to treat ailments throughout the body, as well as relieve tired, puffy eyes.  Steep the bags you choose in hot water, cool them, then place over eyes for 15 to 30 minutes for rejuvenated eyes.


Salt creates water retention, not only with our eyes but throughout our body.  This puffiness can be prevented by limiting our salt intake, drinking lots of water daily, limiting or eliminating alcohol and eating foods rich in collagen.  Many fruits contain collagen such as cucumber and watermelon.  These fruits are powerful re-hydrators as they have a high-water content and contain collagen-boosting silica.  There are also vegetables and proteins that provide this important ingredient such as bell peppers and fish.

Sleep and Stress

A bad night’s sleep can lead to puffy eyes. And many times, a bad night’s sleep is due to stress that accumulates throughout our day and life.  One of the best ways to combat stress is to exercise 3 to 5 times a week, or perhaps daily, like a 30 minute walk.  Exercise helps produce endorphins which is our brain’s feel good chemical.  When we feel good, our stress level lessens and you get more of a sense of calm, thus providing a better sleep and less puffy eyes.

As previously stated, medical intervention is always an option if you feel your puffy eyes just don’t respond favourably to any of these home remedies.  Fortunately, by changing some habits and dietary issues, we should be able to help reduce the puff!

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone.  Don`t forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,


negative effects of sugar on our skin

Not only does sugar affect our waistlines but it can also have a negative impact on our skin.  Refined sugar is the type of sugar we are consuming when eating products like donuts or candy, sodas, or many pre-packaged food.  These types of foods can cause many issues in our bodies such as digestive problems, joint pain and problem skin.  If you want youthful, glowing and clear skin, discover the negative effects of sugar on our skin.


Refined sugar wreaks havoc throughout our body.  Acidic foods cause inflammation in our body and since sugar is highly acidic, it is one of the worst to consume.  When you eat sugar, your blood sugar level fluctuates quite drastically causing inflammation.  This inflammation stimulates the activity of our oil glands which leads to acneic breakouts.

If you need something sweet, it is best to try a complex carbohydrate like fruits and vegetables.  They break down slower in the body thus avoiding the surge and plunge of blood sugar levels.


Sugar is a dehydrating product that causes the skin to look dull and sallow.  It sucks the water from your cells which leads to the appearance of under eye circles and mild swelling of the skin.  Eliminating sugar and increasing your water intake is best for alleviating these problems.


Dehydration causes wrinkles as well.  Sugar attacks collagen and elastin, which are the duo that naturally keep our skin wrinkle free.  This attack is a process known as glycation.  Glycation not only causes wrinkles to appear but can also cause a condition known as hirsutism, which is excessive hair growth throughout the body. It can also cause dark spots or patches on the neck.

Using creams and cleansers as a cure for any of these issues will not work.  You need to take care of your body from the inside out first and foremost.  A proper and balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercise, and staying properly hydrated every day are the best things we can do to allow us to have beautiful skin and optimum health.

After you’ve been working on your self-care, why not try one of our amazing facials to really make your skin glow?

We welcome your questions and feedback. You can connect with us via email or telephone.  Don`t forgot to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest trends and special offers!

Til next time,
