Common Skin Growths and What To Do About Them

What is that spot?! Growths on our skin can develop for numerous reasons. They could be the result of a virus or bacterial infection, or simply something you’ve inherited from your mother.  Although some are harmless, others are not and need attention from you and your doctor.  Let’s explore some common growths and what to do about them.

Nevi (Moles)

Moles are usually round or oval growths that can sprout anywhere on the body. They range in colour from brown to black, or even pink.  They are usually slightly raised from the skin.  It is always best to have them checked regularly by your doctor for any changes to their appearance (i.e. shape, colour or size).

Cherry Angioma

These growths are cherry red clusters made up of tiny capillaries at the surface of the skin. They can show up anywhere on the body, but usually appear on the torso and upper thigh.  Cherry angiomas are generally harmless and usually appear in adults over the age of 30.


While they are ugly and annoying little pests, warts are non-cancerous growths that are caused by a viral infection, known as Human Papilloma Virus or HPV, in the top layer of skin. Usually occurring in children and young adults, warts can appear all over the body but are most common on the feet and hands.  They are usually rough and raised, however the plantar wart is flat, occurring on the soles of the feet. They can be treated by your doctor.


The dreaded age spot! There are 3 types of lentigo.  The first is called lentigo simplex.  This is a small spot, usually harmless and tan in colour.  Second are those called liver or age/sun spots.  They are medically referred to as solar lentigo, usually brought on by sun exposure.  And lastly, lentigo malignas.  These spots are dark and irregular shaped, most common in people over 60, and can develop onto skin cancer.

Skin Cancer

There are 3 types of skin cancer to look out for.  The most common is basal cell carcinoma.  Usually appearing as a waxy, flesh-coloured bump, this type is most commonly found on the face, head, neck and hands.  Second is squamous cell carcinoma.  These growths are rough and scaly and often bleed and crust over.  Also commonly found on the head, neck and hands, squamous cell carcinoma can really sprout anywhere on the body.

And the most serious of these is melanoma.  Melanoma often occurs through moles.  Common warning signs of melanoma are moles or legions that get darker, grow larger, and change shape.  All of these cancer types require monitoring and treatment by a doctor.

Your skin is your largest organ. Protect it. Nourish it. Wear sunscreen everyday and limit prolonged sun exposure. Your life may depend on it.

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combatting under eye puffiness - facials mani pedi aurora a perfect pinky salon and spa

Under eye puffiness plagues us all at one time or another.  Did you know that the skin directly under our eyes is ten times thinner than the skin on the rest of our face?  Therefore, if it appears swollen and puffy, it may be trying to tell us something.  Water retention due to diet, allergies and even hereditary reasons may all play their role in the battle of puffy peepers!  While medical intervention may be involved in alleviating the problem if it’s due to allergens or genetics, we can help ourselves in reducing under eye puffiness by various other methods.

Here are a few ideas for combatting under eye puffiness:

Cold Compress

There are quite a wide range of materials that provide puffy eye relief.  Cucumber slices or raw potato slices, for instance, contain anti-oxidants and flavonoids. These aid in reducing swelling and irritation.

What to do: Apply cold to eyes for 30 minutes to feel the benefits.  Caffeinated tea, such as green or black, contain tannins which aid in restricting blood vessels surrounding produces and stimulate blood circulation.  Non-caffeinated teas contain anti-inflammatory properties.  Chamomile tea in particular, is known to treat ailments throughout the body, as well as relieve tired, puffy eyes.  Steep the bags you choose in hot water, cool them, then place over eyes for 15 to 30 minutes for rejuvenated eyes.


Salt creates water retention, not only with our eyes but throughout our body.  This puffiness can be prevented by limiting our salt intake, drinking lots of water daily, limiting or eliminating alcohol and eating foods rich in collagen.  Many fruits contain collagen such as cucumber and watermelon.  These fruits are powerful re-hydrators as they have a high-water content and contain collagen-boosting silica.  There are also vegetables and proteins that provide this important ingredient such as bell peppers and fish.

Sleep and Stress

A bad night’s sleep can lead to puffy eyes. And many times, a bad night’s sleep is due to stress that accumulates throughout our day and life.  One of the best ways to combat stress is to exercise 3 to 5 times a week, or perhaps daily, like a 30 minute walk.  Exercise helps produce endorphins which is our brain’s feel good chemical.  When we feel good, our stress level lessens and you get more of a sense of calm, thus providing a better sleep and less puffy eyes.

As previously stated, medical intervention is always an option if you feel your puffy eyes just don’t respond favourably to any of these home remedies.  Fortunately, by changing some habits and dietary issues, we should be able to help reduce the puff!

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negative effects of sugar on our skin

Not only does sugar affect our waistlines but it can also have a negative impact on our skin.  Refined sugar is the type of sugar we are consuming when eating products like donuts or candy, sodas, or many pre-packaged food.  These types of foods can cause many issues in our bodies such as digestive problems, joint pain and problem skin.  If you want youthful, glowing and clear skin, discover the negative effects of sugar on our skin.


Refined sugar wreaks havoc throughout our body.  Acidic foods cause inflammation in our body and since sugar is highly acidic, it is one of the worst to consume.  When you eat sugar, your blood sugar level fluctuates quite drastically causing inflammation.  This inflammation stimulates the activity of our oil glands which leads to acneic breakouts.

If you need something sweet, it is best to try a complex carbohydrate like fruits and vegetables.  They break down slower in the body thus avoiding the surge and plunge of blood sugar levels.


Sugar is a dehydrating product that causes the skin to look dull and sallow.  It sucks the water from your cells which leads to the appearance of under eye circles and mild swelling of the skin.  Eliminating sugar and increasing your water intake is best for alleviating these problems.


Dehydration causes wrinkles as well.  Sugar attacks collagen and elastin, which are the duo that naturally keep our skin wrinkle free.  This attack is a process known as glycation.  Glycation not only causes wrinkles to appear but can also cause a condition known as hirsutism, which is excessive hair growth throughout the body. It can also cause dark spots or patches on the neck.

Using creams and cleansers as a cure for any of these issues will not work.  You need to take care of your body from the inside out first and foremost.  A proper and balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercise, and staying properly hydrated every day are the best things we can do to allow us to have beautiful skin and optimum health.

After you’ve been working on your self-care, why not try one of our amazing facials to really make your skin glow?

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Beauty Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

There are many beauty benefits of tea tree oil.  It has such a wide range of benefits that it really is an essential product for any home.  It has become an active ingredient in so many cosmetic products for reasons such as its natural antiseptic qualities and its anti-inflammatory abilities.  Tea tree oil is a natural substance derived from the tree known as Melaleuca which grows in Australia and is therefore also referred to as Melaleuca oil.  It has been known to have strong antiseptic qualities formerly since the 1920s, however the native peoples of Australia have been using the oil for thousands of years prior.

The following are ways to help use the oil as a possible part of your skin care regimen:


Since tea tree has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, it aids in killing bacteria that creates acne.  The oil removes toxins by being absorbed into the skin on just about any body part (i.e. face, back, extremities).  Add a few drops to some raw honey and apply to your pimples for about 4-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.  This may help reduce/eliminate acne.

Skin Infections

This oil is amazing in treating various foot infections such as toenail fungus or athlete’s foot as well as skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.  Using a dropper, apply a few drops in and around the fungal toenail once or twice daily for approximately a month. This should aid in clearing up the problem.  For topical problems, like eczema, use a cotton swab with a few drops of tea tree to dab on the affected area.  Tea tree works wonders to help kill theses parasites and infections.

Cuts and Abrasions

For relieving painful and irritating skin trauma such as a cut or even razor burn, tea tree oil can help to alleviate the discomfort.  Since the oil operates similar to witch hazel, added together they can soothe the abrasion.  For a burn, add several drops of tea tree oil to two teaspoons of witch hazel and apply this mixture with a cotton swab.  For a cut, take two drops each of tea tree oil and lavender oil in jojoba oil and apply onto a clean cut followed by a Band-Aid to prevent infection.


With antiseptic and anti-viral properties, tea tree oil can be effective in killing warts.  The oil helps stunt their growth and dry them out so that, if you are diligent enough, they will fall off naturally.  Apply a drop of tea tree oil to the wart and cover it over night. Remove the band aid in the morning, clean the area and repeat the process for about one to four weeks for the wart to fall off.

Daily Routine

Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your cleanser or moisturizer is a great way to add extra hydration to your skin while keeping the bacteria at bay.  Create your own gentle make up remover as well.  Try 1/4 cup canola oil with 10 drops of tea tree oil and mix.  Place in a tight lidded glass jar and store in a cool dark place.  To remove your makeup, saturate a cotton pad and swipe all over face.  Rinse well and follow with toner and moisturizer.  This mixture is also great to rub on dry cuticles.

Essential oils are a wonderful addition to any home, but not many are quite as versatile as tea tree oil.  With so many wonderful uses and beauty benefits of tea tree oil, it is an essential addition to anyone’s daily routine.

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